Forskningsgruppen for uhæmmet vidensanvendelse

Modul 1e: rød løber

This module includes:

1. A number of 3D cases that will bring the participants onto The Creative Platform

Module 1 consists of a number of 3D cases. The idea is to prepare the participants for the form of work that takes place on The Creative Platform. The red carpet is a kind of ritual that should be used every time you use The Creative Platform. Therefore you should use module 1 every time you start a new day and every time there is a longer break (more than 2 hours). Following the link you will find the red carpet. Do not use the same red carpet twice.

Estimated time for this module: 15 - 30 minutes

Link to slideshow, detailed description and instruction videos

Pre-requirement: none

Physical requirements:
• Chair/table setup: tables towards the walls and the chairs up against them facing towards the teacher
• 1 word instruction card per participant