Forskningsgruppen for uhæmmet vidensanvendelse

Modul 4a: idegenerering og udvikling i grupper

This module includes:

1. Idea generation using “Brain writing” in 2-man groups
2. Idea generation using a pile of mixed idea generation tools in 2-man groups

This module uses six idea generation tools. The participants should write down as many ideas as possible and only one idea per paper (it is a good idea to use post-its or similar). Make sure the participants understand that any idea should be written down no matter if it is a good, bad, crazy, weird or boring idea.
The participants work in groups of 2 (3 if uneven number of participants). Start by presenting the problem and make the participants use brain writing. Following this you hand out a pile of mixed playing cards (person, picture, word, principle and challenge) per group. The pile of tools is to help the groups generate new ideas by using mixed stimuli. Make sure they only use one stimulus at a time. After every 20 minutes you make new groups and continue idea generation using a pile of mixed playing cards.

Estimated time for this module: 45+ minutes

Link to slideshow, detailed description and instruction videos

Pre-requirement: module 1, 2, 3B, 3C and 3D

Physical requirements:
• Projector
• Slideshow on computer
• 1 post-it note pad per participant
• 1 pen per participant
• 1 word training card per participant
• Half a pile of mixed playing cards per participant
• Chair/table setup: tables towards the walls and the chairs up against them facing towards the teacher