Forskningsgruppen for uhæmmet vidensanvendelse

Modul 18a: deltagerne gøres klar til selv at bruge den kreative platform

This module includes:

1. Participants develop ideas for their own use of The Creative Platform
2. Participants are supervised and to understand and integrate all modules they have experienced

In this module the participants will develop their own creative platform. You will facilitate the process for their development. You will also function as a supervisor to help them putting all the parts of the course together into their own concept, process and model. It might be a good idea to hand out the modules they you have used in the course. But do not hand out the modules while they are developing ideas for their own creative platform – only after this has been conducted.

Estimated time for this module: 120 minutes

Link to slideshow, detailed description and instruction videos

Pre-requirement: some modules

Physical requirements:
• Projector
• Slideshow on computer
• 1 post-it note pad per participant
• 1 pen per participant
• 5 pieces of A4 paper per participant
• Hand-outs of module slideshow or module descriptions.
• 1 word training card per participant
• 1 picture training card per participant
• 1 person training card per participant
• 1 challenge training card per participant
• 1 principle training card per participant
• Half a pile of mixed playing cards per participant
• Chair/table setup: tables towards the walls and the chairs up against them facing towards the wall