Forskningsgruppen for uhæmmet vidensanvendelse

Modul 2a: præsenter problemet

This module includes:

1. Presenting the problem for the participants

Module 2 is to present the problem for the participants. Following the link you will find an example of how to present a problem as well as an example of a problem. There are two important aspects of presenting a problem: problem area and presentation of problem.
The problem area is to where the problem belongs. In order to enhance the learning outcome it is important to separate process from product. If the participants are marketing participants, then you should not use a problem within marketing. If they are wind-energy engineers, then you should not use a problem within wind-energy engineering. The issue is that the participants will focus more on the product rather than on learning the process. On the other hand the problem should be interesting for all the participants. Therefore it is a good idea to take a problem that relates to common knowledge like “how can we make a private mailbox that can handle larger packages”, “alternative ways to sell real estates”, “how can we make our group work more creative”, “how can we make a tourist attraction of a junkyard” or similar.
The presentation of the problem is important. It should be presented orally and short. It should maximum take 10 minutes to present and should only include elements that are “need to know” in order to solve the problem. Any “nice to know” should be left out in order to allow the participants to focus on the real problem. It is a good idea to put up a poster in the room that states the problem you are working on, but do not hand out a written description of the problem as it would put too much focus on the million different ways the problem can be analysed.

Estimated time for this module: 10 minutes

Link to slideshow, detailed description and instruction videos

Pre-requirement: module 1

Physical requirements:
• Projector
• Slideshow on computer
• Any kind of chair/table setup